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Boats & canal toy used to have fun gates etc., but the years have put a toll on them.  Kids loved it to pieces.



Paper bowl boat (play do holding mast), craft stick rafts (I used rubber cement: don't float in hot water)



Have always been fascinated by walnut boats . . . anything kids would  toss in a stream can be a toy boat.



All kinds of boats and floaters:  an egg (try raw & cooked), hollowed potato boat . .. get creative/test all kinds of things for floatability . . . big bowl OK.


Fun in the tub . . . , my grandson tossed in all kinds of sea creature figures, which of course all sank.


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When going, how will you get there?  How do you wish you could go? 

"Art" thou having fun?



Don't toss away broken balsa planes--develop creative engineering fixes. Make test flights, improve design.


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Block train crossing and train by a young train enthusiast, LMG.


Elaborate train/vehicle set up cropped by the program:  bridges etc. not shown



Want to go for a "spin"? 

Are you "up" to it?

What's that the pilot said?


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Gingerbread train station

and crossing.


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Clipped title:  Freight Train,

Two Little Trains by M.W. Brown, Gail Gibbons' Trains:  3 excellent titles.



Above:  kayaking as a family.  Ideas for places to go in the pdf's below.  


I've included vehicles and transportation in this section--anything that transports/carries things is a vehicle. Many of the ideas in Going and Doing could fit either category.


But many of the ideas in any category  reference to other categories--art, science (including engineering), etc.  Learning is making connections.


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Above:  My original car town & fishing game, made 30 years ago. I wanted to be sure I got the whole pattern--it's ok to have two ball fields, but I thought two police stations would be a bad sign in so small a town.  So I replaced 2nd with an electronics store.  Fishing game on back.

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Grandma's vehicle--it's the Going Thing

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Tons of tractor fun

hauling real dirt in the back yard.

If not dirt, sand or chips at the park or school . . . or find a friendly farm.


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One example of Grandma's 9-patch Car Town--construction site at right.  Kids can pretend to go to zoo, airport or air show, beach, school, park, etc...

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Bags for going places.


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Gardening Guy--Kids need dirt to dig in.We made elaborate mud towns

as kids.  If it transports, it's a vehicle.


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Easily-made Car Wash--kids love to go through any tunnel. My grandson wove dusters into afghan as car wash brushes.


Wherever they go, Momma gets a pin to show where they've been, and puts it on the map.


All Rights Reserved by Susan Ternyey 2023

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