You can make a timeline similar to this with your own clipart or pictures … You could take pictures of your child or children doing what they do in the day and in the night . . .
Cut along the middle line and paste, tape, or staple the day and night end to end to show that each daily cycle is a day and a night.
I tried to leave some for kids to color.
It's like Day and Night!
Healthy eating habits help kids develop strong bodies and brains now, and a better life as they get older.
Most important is parental example, and then access to a wide variety of foods---but forcing them to "eat everything on the plate" is most likely to backfire. Better to encourage them to just give each thing a try. Tastes do change.
Research has borne out what Mom always said . . . and your body is pretty good at recognizing what it needs and where to get it, if it has a chance. Great Courses "...Raising Kids Who Thrive" by Peter M. Vishton, PhD.
Dr. Vishton makes a strong argument for having children involved in regular physical activities each day, as research has shown that it is linked as well to cognitive development.
From infant (supervised) tummy time, through the self discipline and awareness of Taekwondo, to the evidence that team sports support healthier emotional states in teens, do the moves!
Havin' a ball with exercise is also greatly influenced by parental example and attitude. Include age-appropriate skills development: balance, hopping, tossing, catching, kicking, beginning swimming & dance, running, somersaulting, twirling . . .
Bedtime, when all is calm and not so bright, is a good time to reinforce moral learning in a low-key story format. It can't wait until kids are grown.
-Sort a number of the food cards/pictures into those that are safe to touch, and not safe to touch or taste (raw).
-Talk about what to do when lost, and help kids learn their full name, their parents' names, phone number, and address. A tune, rhythm, or rap can help.
-Crossing streets: hold hands--Stop, Look, & Listen--look right, look left, look right again. Be sure you do it every time, so that it's automatic.
-Do family fire drills, know when to call 911 and where to meet in a disaster; how to dial poison control
-Don't forget pool & poolside safety. Don't run on wet surfaces--streets, etc!
-Know where to get rags to mop things up or staunch the flow of fluids . . . bloody noses, scrapes, runny noses,
-Wash hands, cough in your shoulder or inside elbow, stay home when you are sick . . .
No Dragons for Tea--Fire Safety for Kids and Dragons). rhyming couplets, cute story. Fire safety ideas at the back.
Be Careful and Stay Safe
Simple limited text in large font, nicely illustrated. Safety rules for primary grades. Ideas at the back for reinforcement.